ViewPoint360° Virtual Tour Studio

Changelog version 6


- added users activity logs for administrators

- added the ability to upload different background tour images and videos for mobile

- added the ability to connect/disconnect social accounts from your profile

- fixed some incompatibility issues with php 8

- fixed as issue with video panoramas not showing up in the measurements section


- added AED, ILS, RUB currency

- added ability to assign editors directly within the tour settings

- added the possibility to choose between 2 different login and registration styles

- added more sharing providers

- sharing providers can now be chosen within the UI editor

- now in user search you can search for their personal information as well

- fixed an issue preventing advertisements from being deleted

- fixed an issue preventing categories from being deleted

- fixed a color picker display issue

- fixed an issue with the default language

- fixed an issue that prevented the tour list from being displayed in some languages


- 3d view now is preloaded in initial loading

- fixed an issue creating tours with template set

- fixed an issue that not saving info box type from EditorUI

- fixed an issue with POI callout near POI box cause closing it

- fixed an issue with measurements and tooltips not positioned correctly when meeting is


- added the ability to auto open a multi room view (virtual staging)

- added the ability not to automatically show the measures when starting the tour

- added zIndex setting also for markers

- added the ability to hide icons tooltips in the Editor UI

- security improvements

- when there are multiple audio POIs in the same room they are now played one at a time

- fixed position of hover tooltips out of screen


- added the ability to set landing, showcase and globe as the first page

- added the ability to scale objects in the 3d view editor with the mouse

- added the ability to insert images as icons in the UI editor

- added the ability to modify the html code of the info box and landing

- added the ability to set the info box as a panel that opens from the side

- added the ability to hide rooms on a tour

- added an initial panorama drag feedback animation

- added feedback mouse movements

- added the ability to draw polygons inside Marker type selection

- added Indonesian language

- now the tooltips follows the mouse pointer

- fixed an issue when removing rooms from 3d view editor

- fixed an issue with POI callout not visible in presentations

- fixed an issue with POI type Text in VR

- fixed controls for small embedded video

- fixed wrap text display in annotations

- fixed an issue that did not change the map when changing rooms if the room was hidden


- added the panorama preview when you move the mouse over the marker also on tooltip preview

- added the limit for the number of images in the gallery in the plans

- added check icons to mark the rooms visited on the tooltips and on the room slider

- added the list of tours inside the user page

- added the ability to set the time to automatically hide intro images

- added the ability to show or not the POIs and Measures in presentations

- added product purchase type popup

- added measures toggle

- fixed an update error on some databases

- fixed an issue that prevented measurements from being selected after being added

- fixed an issue with displaying callouts on the marker page

- fixed month labels on statistics

- fixed backend font not being applied

- fixed generation of PWA assets


- added POI style Callout Text

- added the ability to insert Measurements into rooms

- added the ability to see the total number of views directly in the tour

- added nadir logo size change in UI editor

- added an option to control the exposure of embedded 3d models

- added notification when a user is added manually by the administrator

- added the panorama preview when you move the mouse over the slider of the room list

- added the panorama preview when you move the mouse over the marker type preview room

- added additional features that can be limited in the plans

- added the limit of rooms per tour in the plans

- added the possibility to automatically insert the marker to go back from the target room

- added period range to virtual tour access statistics graph

- added fullscreen button to embedded videos

- added the ability to set the loop or not in embedded videos

- added the ability to set random order on POI images gallery

- added the ability to change the zoom speed

- added an option to publish the tour as the first page of your domain

- now when you delete a user you have the possibility to assign its contents to another user

- now you can move the POI and Marker editing window

- now you can disable the loop to automatic presentations

- fixed text encoding issue on VR mode

- optimized loading on VR mode

- fixed video360 preview distorted

- fixed custom icon on editorUI not shown correctly when changed

- fixed an issue of generating slideshows and video360 when the audio contains a space in the name

- fixed an issue with social logins


- added initial support for VR headsets like Oculus

- added POI type PDF

- added time as form field

- added shortcuts for marker/poi when editing map points

- added an option to enable or disable mobile optimized panoramic images

- added the ability in presentations to set the destination room when it is stopped

- added the ability in manual presentation to wait for the video ends before proceeding

- added the ability to view the preview of the presentation being created

- added the ability to set the default scale (on/off) when adding markers and pois

- added the ability to automatically switch to another room when a video-type panorama ends

- added user notification also for changed / canceled plan

- fixed an issue showing the main form as a button

- fixed a presentation edit issue

- fixed an issue with youtube live stream

- fixed an issue with POI map size

- fixed an encoding issue in the mails

- fixed the slow loading of the settings page

- fixed an issue that prevented pickers from being displayed in fullscreen


- added requirements tab into settings

- fixed an issue on total visitors counter


- added the ability to scale or not the POI / Markers according to the zoom

- added the ability to set the width of the POI content box

- added the ability to hide the button to maximize the POI content box

- added the ability to loop and "click to stop" the presentation

- added the delete button also inside the edit room

- added the ability to insert custom js code for backend from settings

- added the ability to insert head elements for backend and viewer from settings

- added plan expiring notification for customers

- added a preview animation on showcase/globe when hover the tour card

- fixed a bug with embed 3D POIs and product as content

- fixed drag click on selection POIs

- fixed an update issue on some servers

- fixed an issue that prevented creating the 3d view with some special characters in the name of the rooms

- fixed an issue with globe not working on some servers


- added a button to maximize box POIs in the viewer

- added the possibility of pan / zoom on the floorplans

- redesigned the floorplans in the viewer

- added the ability to draw polygons inside POI type selection

- added the possibility to put the Marker, POIs, UI and 3D View editors in fullscreen

- added to the wizard also the steps for creating a POI

- added the ability to edit meta tags for tours, landing, showcase and globe

- added experimental AR Tour

- added the ability to change the zoom duration of the globe to approach the tour

- added the ability to set the default display on the globe (street or satellite)

- added the ability to automatically start the presentation in case of inactivity

- added the ability to upload Webm into POI content Video

- added the ability to set the zoom center on the mouse pointer

- added the possibility to keep or not the original panorama files

- now the preview of the tour from the backend is not counted for statistical purposes

- redesigned the backend top bar

- fixed placement of embedded content that was sometimes wrong

- fixed scroll on box POIs

- fixed an issue on firefox that displayed some images as completely black

- fixed blurry part / black artifacts of panorama in multires mode

- fixed wrong position of tooltip POI when always visible on mobile

- fixed webp preview image not showing

- fixed globe colors not displaying correctly on some values


- added size of text in tooltips

- added minimum altitude parameter into globes

- added level measurements in 3d view

- added the ability to enable captcha on login and registration pages

- when a tour is added to the globe it is now automatically placed if the first image in it contains the coordinates

- on 3d view on mobile now with longpress on pointer it shows the label

- fixed an issue generating Video 360 on External

- fixed an issue with Stripe

- fixed an issue that prevented adding images in the edit

- fixed presentation not working on last update


- added the "globe" mode, to view the tours positioned on the world map

- added in video 360 tour and video slideshow a button to synchronize the duration with the audio

- added description of chapters for youtube in video 360 tours

- added the ability to use video360 and slideshow tools on an external server if local requirements are not met

- added autoclose map setting in editor UI

- added the ability to customize marker / pois tooltips

- added the ability to set the visibility of tooltips on hover or always visible

- added 2 more custom buttons inside the UI editor

- added stripe automatic tax setting

- added sort by filter in the showcases

- added measures into 3d view room's labels

- now it is possible to manually enter the coordinates of the points on the map as well as to drag them

- now tours of old versions can also be imported

- if the tour has only one room when entering the marker/POI pages it is automatically selected

- fixed a display problem in the statistics

- fixed an update/installer issue not working on some systems

- fixed POI type audio not working on embedded style

- fixed zoom transition issue on mobile

- fixed black video issue on some browsers


- added ZAR currency

- added slideshow gallery mode to generate a video from a set of images

- added the ability to create 360 videos of the tour to be published on youtube / facebook or other 360 video platforms

- added POI embed type object3d

- added POI embed type HTML

- added gif/webp support to image's POI

- added room logo height setting

- added styles (round, square, round outline, square outline) for marker/poi icons

- added dollhouse autorotate

- added the possibility to share the tour on social networks also from the backend

- added pagination on dashboard

- added the possibility in the plans when they expire to choose whether to keep the tours online or offline

- now if a plan expires users will be able to modify the tours created, but they will not be able to add new content

- the mouse cursor is hidden after a period of inactivity

- fixed viewer crash on some browsers

- fixed display of showcase without banner

- fixed a glitch into 3d view

- fixed a bug that prevented the creation of the presentation when the tour was duplicated

- fixed the problem during the analysis of the disk space it was not possible to change page

- fixed an issue on paypal initialization when backend logo is missing


- added PYG, THB currencies

- added Korean, Thai languages

- added Storage Quota to Plans to limit the upload total size of all user content

- added the ability to send email notifications when a form or lead request is used

- added USDZ file support for 3d objects

- added shortcuts in markers for faster addition

- added notification system for administrators

- added the ability to set a room to be displayed by default when the floor plan is changed

- added layer filter in the 3d view editor in the backend

- added the ability of not displaying the pointer over a room in the 3d view

- added the ability of not displaying a cube face of a room in the 3d view

- added the ability to set dragging on or off when device orientation is on

- added the ability to set the view as a list or grid on the lists of tours, rooms and maps

- added the ability to zoom the product images

- added user filter on tour list for administrators

- added in the settings for administrators the ability to set a tour as a template for creating new ones

- autorotation disabled when a poi is open

- optimized loading of 3D View

- fixed an issue with hfov on mobile

- fixed compatibility of import tour on some systems

- fixed an issue that prevented from inserting some rooms to the map

- fixed an issue of the menu items not hidden when not selected in the plans

- removed the ability to add products in POIs if the shop is disabled in plans

- fixed an issue that prevented video with background removal to be displayed on mobile

- fixed an issue that prevented editing the 3d view when a room was deleted


- added support for the 3d view in the viewer and introduced an editor in the backend to create the 3d view (known as dollhouse)

- added import/export tours functionality to backend (for administrators)

- added an option to POIs to auto close them after a defined time

- added an option to POIs to order them in Z Order when overlapping

- added POI type Embedded Video (with background removal)

- added a setting to the 3d models to be displayed in AR and placed on the floor or wall

- added the ability to show or hide certain menu items based on the plan

- added the ability to insert Custom Html code inside the tours

- added the ability to view and customize the contextual box of the right mouse button

- added the ability to use a recorded video as presentation

- added the ability to view hidden markers when approaching with the mouse when click anywhere is enabled

- added the ability to set sharing on the tour link or the exact position and view you are in before pressing the share button

- while a POI/Marker is dragged, the move controls window is hidden

- fixed some showcase display issues

- fixed an issue of products not included in the exported tour

- fixed an issue during the update

- fixed an issue in the display of the info modal

- fixed an issue that caused the Editor UI to not display with some characters in the room name

- fixed an issue that in vr mode does not display the markers correctly

- fixed an issue that prevented the POI "selection area + switch panorama" from working correctly

- fixed an issue of the save button on the editor UI that remains disabled when saving presets

- fixed an issue with click anywhere feature

- fixed an issue with resetting the statistics


- added TJS, ARS currencies

- fixed automatic orientation on Android

- fixed a display problem of the viewer when the font was changed

- fixed an issue that not saving switch panorama POI

- increased max hfov to 140

- added some animations to the viewer controls

- removed uppercase for annotation title

- added vertical align center on POI embed text

- multires check requirements moved to settings


- added paypal payment method for plans (only extended license)

- added the ability to view online visitors directly in the tour, what room they are in and what they are looking at

- added the "Video Stream" room type which allows you to add an hls url to broadcast live panoramas

- added the "Lottie" room type which allows you to add json lottie animation file as panorama

- added the ability to use multi-resolution creation tool on an external server if local requirements are not met

- added "Editor UI" as permission for editors

- added presets to Editor UI

- moved font picker inside Editor UI

- added Editor UI shortcut into tours list

- added the ability to edit Room's List menu colors into Editor UI

- restyled the Room's List menu

- added the ability to hide and put meetings in full screen

- added shortcut in dashboard tours to access their stats

- added an option to maps to set the default view, streets or satellite

- added default markers lookat setting

- added info button to floorplans to open a link in a new window or modal

- added timeout in second to skip video advertisements

- added CZK currency

- added Tajik language

- fixed a conversion problem for the RWF currency

- fixed an error on saving tours

- fixed an issue that prevented tours on mobile when sharing was disabled

- fixed an issue that prevented font to be saved into Editor UI

- fixed an issue that prevented the room logo from being deleted

- fixed some bugs into Editor UI

- hided "presented by" if author is not present


- fixed room's menu icon not viewing in editor

- fixed the automatic opening of some POIs that didn't work

- fixed transition effects not displaying in some browsers

- fixed autoclose items that not closing sometime

- fixed an issue where embedded content was not positioned correctly on panorama videos

- fixed am issue deleting product images

- fixed issue on panorama video sound

- added Arabic language

- added unique statistics

- added video 360 as plan's permission

- added the ability to change some icons into Editor UI

- added custom button to Editor UI customizable with html content

- moved main form settings to Editor UI

- moved default markers/pois style to Editor UI and added preview

- now you can also apply default styles directly from a single marker/poi editing window

- the edit box in markers/pois opens automatically when minimized and tabs are clicked

- repositioned the share bar on the viewer


- fixed an issue with tour creation wizard

- fixed some editor ui issues

- prevented negative number on "skippable after" setting in advertisements

- fixed drag map/floorplan points on mobile

- fixed an issue with invalid image coordinates that didn't allow adding the point on the map

- fixed nav control position and size

- fixed a bug on autorotate when flyin is enabled

- fixed play button not visible on some browser when auto start is disabled

- fixed floorplan position and menu overlapping

- fixed share buttons overlapping with the room's slider when open


- fixed an issue that didn't allow opening the info and landing editor


- added a visual Editor UI into backend

- restyled the viewer and the loading

- added POI type product

- added Snipcart Integration to sell products directly inside the tour

- added POIs/Markers animations

- added POI view type Box (hover)

- added tour creation wizard

- added TURN/STUN server settings for live session

- added show/hide passwords on login/register pages

- added _parent and _top as targets to external link POIs

- added video and embedded link into advertisements

- added the possibility to edit "Rooms List" directly on Rooms section

- added a shortcut to the user's page in the tour list for administrators

- added RWF and IDR currencies

- added Czech, Filipino, Persian and Kinyarwanda languages

- added the ability for administrators to export users

- added preview shortcut in the markers/pois sections

- fixed lookat option in markers not display correctly after changed it

- fixed a drag of library elements issue on safari browser

- fixed disappeared upload button on POI type video

- fixed an issue that caused the room to be inadvertently selected while scrolling the slider

- fixed a bug in automatic presentation

- fixed an issue when dragging the view was inadvertently clicked on the POI

- fixed position of embedded POI and Markers

- now the pois embedded remain visible during the presentation

- where possible url redirection is avoided when viewing external tours

- now you can enter title only or description only in room annotations

- improved security of the backend

- optimized performance and loading of the viewer

- moved the close button of the marker editing window / then next to the minimize button

- the exported tour file now has the tour name as the file name

- disabled download button for external tours

- automatically checked the option 'override initial position' when moving the view of the room