ViewPoint360° Virtual Tour Studio

Changelog version 7


- added support for animated SVG inside the Icons library for POIs and Markers

- now POIs and Markers can be scaled more

- now the Device Orientation and Auto Rotate controls can be placed as buttons inside Editor UI

- normalized voice track on Video Projects

- fixed POI callout creation incorrect size

- fixed an issue on changing language on multilingual tours

- fixed some untranslated POI content not showing in multilingual tours

- fixed encoding issue on some Editor UI labels when duplicating the tour

- fixed dragging while orientation is active


- added Grouped POI style to show/hide a group of multiple POIs

- added the ability to insert a video avatar overlaid on the tour

- added the ability to hide/show thumbs of rooms into the map

- added the ability to view the map in fullscreen

- added the ability of inserting an image or video into the ui editor to be displayed when the button is pressed

- added the ability to set multiple tours to use as samples

- added the ability to override template / sample settings for each individual piano

- added the ability to record the voice from the microphone and insert it into video projects

- added 360 degree rotation animation in panorama slide in video project

- added tour and room name on respective edit pages on the topbar

- added stroke style to POIs and Markers

- added custom HTML as advertisements

- added the ability to add up to 5 extra menu items in the backend

- added the list of the items in the Editor UI

- added API key authentication for securing API calls

- added another initial fly-in effect

- added StorJ storage provider

- added English British language

- If the tour list loads slowly, you can now set a faster light mode from settings

- optimized image quality on markers / pois icons

- improved transitions on partial panoramas

- now the administrators can edit the personal informations of the users

- now when a plan expired the user is not able to download the tour

- now in VR mode 360 videos start with sound

- when you duplicate a tour, items that are not enabled in the current plan are now hidden

- fixed an issue on zooming product's image on tour stored on S3 and on mobile

- fixed an issue with Woocommerce products containing apostrophes not being selectable as POIs

- fixed an issue on downloaded Standalone Tour not loading the Woocommerce Cart

- fixed an issue on click on ipad

- fixed VR links expiration

- Fixed an issue that caused tour content to start before the background video was ended


- added the ability to insert a custom label into markers instead of the room's name

- added the ability to reuse previous AI generated panoramas on creating new room

- added the ability to reuse existing panoramas on creating new room

- added the ability for the admin to select some panoramas to allow customers to reuse them

- added the ability to set the target (self / new window) for opening tours within showcases and globes

- added the ability to set the zoom after the transition effect

- improved the transition settings

- added the ability to apply lookat setting to all the existing markers

- added the ability to set the room audio volume

- added the ability to set the perspective and size into default markers / pois styles

- added company as field into lead forms

- added file upload as field into forms

- added the ability to set which fields to display and which are mandatory in lead forms

- added the import / export tab in the settings to manage the files manually

- added nadir logo also in VR mode

- added "copy link" as share provider

- added next/prev on user editing page

- video intro now playing with audio

- added the ability to set the intro video skippable

- added the ability to set initial position for the globe

- added the ability to set approach position for the each tour into the globe

- added the ability to set Cookie Policy

- added the ability to enable Cookie Consent into backend / showcase / globe and tours

- added Google Analytics also to backend / showcase / globe

- footer is now visible also into login / register pages

- if you change the tour language now the intro video is not shown a second time

- now users can no longer subscribe to subscription plans if the number of tours created exceeds the number of tours defined in the plan

- updated Fontawesome library

- updated vr library to support meta quest 3

- added Finnish language


- added the ability to automatic translate content with deepl APIs

- added automatic translation features to plans

- added the ability to also translate the room list menu

- added a settings for administrator to enable/disable some languages for the tour

- now if the language of a field is selected all the others on the page are also changed

- now by changing the language selector on the input the cursor will automatically position itself on the input itself

- if a field has not been translated, the placeholder of the original language is shown

- fixed an issue that prevented the visibility of Powered By from being toggled in the editor UI

- fixed an issue of exporting powered by image into the standalone tour

- fixed an issue that prevented the form from being saved in multiple languages

- fixed an issue that prevented to loading the Object 3D animations

- fixed an issue that prevented to display POI images in VR mode


- added multilingual support for tours and content

- added the possibility of inserting the "powered by" logo or text into the tour

- added the ability to set shadows, environment and animation of 3D objects

- added the ability to zoom the 3d object to better positioning

- added language setting also on external type tours

- added subscription statistics to the dashboard

- added total visitors to user statistics

- added the ability to show/hide tour title and/or room name

- added the ability to customize the URLs of the Woocommerce cart and checkout pages

- added 2 more custom content inside Editor UI

- added the ability to exclude some poi/markers from applying styles massively

- added the ability to change the default settings of the markers/pois directly when they are applied massively from the marker/poi itself

- added the ability to download the generated 3d view model

- added the privacy policy into settings

- added indication of recoverable space when cleaning original tour images

- now the admin can view the space occupied by a single room

- now the terms and conditions, if entered, is displayed automatically on footer and registration

- now the privacy policy, if entered, is displayed automatically on footer and leads / form protections

- added maintenance mode

- redesigned error pages and added the ability to replace them

- virtual staging and other features now works also on live sessions

- optimized woocommerce tour loading

- added messages into loading progress of the tour

- fixed an issue with download standalone tour not containing some files

- fixed an issue on custom 3d models

- fixed an issue that prevented meetings from starting if the tour contained special characters

- fixed tour wizard not starting on mobile


- added the ability to set the logo in the top center position on Editor UI

- added the ability to set terms and conditions flags on the registration page

- added the ability to change room initial position in manual presentations

- added the ability to set a sound when clicking on a POI / Marker

- added a toolbar with some shortcuts in the preview

- added a list for quick access of all the markers, pois, measures in the respective editing sections

- added API to get tours statistics

- the standalone tour is now compatible with Capacitor, a tool for converting the tour into a mobile app

- now the woocommerce store is also available inside the downloadable standalone version

- fixed an issue that prevents to set room protection as lead

- fixed an issue with woocommerce that the cart saved in session was not unique

- fixed shaking embed contents on latest version of Chrome

- fixed an issue with the presentation video if set to youtube and started it would not mute the general audio of the tour


- added WooCommerce as shop integration

- added initial version of some APIs

- added the ability to set a Custom 3d Model as 3d View (dollhouse)

- added the ability to protect the tour and rooms with Mailchimp embedded forms

- added the ability to play the audio of the room only once (for example to set an intro audio in the first room)

- added the ability to duplicate room in another tour

- added the ability to change image into existing floorplan's map

- added the ability to sort tours in the showcase

- added the ability to enable or disable sorting modes and select the default one in the showcase

- added the ability to edit the source code of the mails texts

- added MYR and SGD currencies

- improved map handling in adding/removing markers without reloading the page

- virtual staging now maintain the version of room selected when changing rooms

- now if an embedded video is started, the audio of the tour is automatically muted

- fixed an issue with the 3d view not showing the total room size if there were no levels

- fixed a content loading issue in digital ocean spaces

- fixed audio embedded in video not playing


- optimized initial loading of tours in remote storage

- optimized moving tour from and to local storage

- replaced jitsi meet domain with an instance installed on my server to avoid "5 minute expire" limitation


- added panorama generation with Artificial Intelligence (experimental)

- added the ability to set a plan with different price for monthly/yearly

- added the ability to set main song volume

- added the ability to set up the fly-in animation duration

- added the ability to set the color and background for POI contents / Forms

- added the ability to set the color and background for Product's button

- added the ability to change the days before in which to send the plan expiration email

- added the ability to set auto_start of tour disabled only when embedded

- added preview directly inside the add room

- added support for WEBM format into 360 video panorama

- added an alternative font provider

- added more shortcuts in tour list

- in the select of the virtual tours an indicator has been added to signal the presence of elements in the section in which you are

- updated VR library and fixed the pointer issue

- improved external tools compatibility on some shared hosting limitations

- fixed an issue on adding map points that not working on some systems

- fixed an issue with PDF Pois not shows on some systems

- fixed an issue with snipcart integration

- fixed aspect ratio of embedding video


- added comments to tours, integrated with disqus

- added the ability to duplicate video project slides

- added the ability to set a custom currency for product with purchase type different from cart

- added the ability to enable, disable, or disable (when embedded) the tour zoom

- added more stats into dashboard, statistics, and user statistics

- added new control in UI editor to show location in map / street view

- added the ability to set the header background height into Editor UI

- added CLP currency

- custom buttons in the editor UI now also accept a link as content to open it when the button is pressed

- automatically detect for non equirectangular images and apply the best positioning preset

- notification now also be sent for duplicated tours

- in the tour creation wizard change POI from text to image

- fixed some black theme graphic issues

- fixed slow performance on listing tours on some systems

- fixed missing room's song on exported standalone version

- fixed the panorama rotation direction sometimes wrong in video projects

- fixed video estimation duration for video projects

- fixed an issue with list of tours on users not showing if filtered


- added video projects to create videos composed of slides with different contents: panoramas, images, videos, logos and text

- added the ability to set POIs, Markers and Measures visible in all or only in some views of the room

- added to the multiple room views the possibility to set the views according to the time slots

- added dark mode (compatible with user system settings and automatically switch)

- added the ability to change the style / colors of the sidebar

- added the ability to set different theme colors for dark mode

- added close button on infobox type panel

- added the ability to set the interaction of 3d objects to be rotated horizontally and/or vertically

- added the ability to change the names of the features and add descriptions that can be viewed on the plan change page

- added the ability to change the background and text color of the tour loading screen

- added the ability to set padding on tour logo in ui editor

- added accessed by time slots statistic

- added overall statistics

- added the ability to change the button in plans

- added the ability to assign/unassign all tours to editors with buttons

- added the ability to download also the standalone VR version of the tour

- added song loop option into room's content

- added customization options to image galleries

- added the ability to set a back to link into login form

- now the tour can be associated with more than one category

- changing the room in the edit section now retains the selected tabs

- fixed an issue of download of collected data not working on customers

- fixed an issue of visualization of the measures/pois in the virtual staging

- fixed display issue with creation wizard on mobile

- fixed an issue with autorotation not being retained in the next room when fly-in animation is enabled

- fixed a problem saving EditorUI presets


- added multiple room view's type "live panorama"

- added watermark opacity setting in slideshows

- added the ability to rotate images in the gallery

- added the ability to toggle images visibility in the gallery

- added the ability to edit the text and icon of the products button

- added the ability of inserting images in the texts of the emails

- added an option to lead forms to indicate if data has already been entered

- added lead type tour protection as well as password

- added a setting to remember and ask once for passwords and information for leads in rooms and tours

- added error messages on the login page

- added the ability to set autorotate visible but not enabled

- added Z Order also for Embedded POIs and Markers

- added the ability to enable or disable the preview of the room that rotates in the room slider on hover

- moved some tour settings to the related components in the UI editor

- added "Download slideshow" as a feature in plans

- added sharing providers in settings to disable/enable them globally

- now 360 videos and slideshows are generated in the background

- reorganized the edit user page

- fixed nav control issue with mouse feedback

- fixed the issue that embedded text would not wrap

- fixed the room not being saved when the picture was changed

- fixed a tour export issue in standalone mode on some systems